Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing #3

My comments will reveal what a newbie I really am. I had never heard of RSS. As we started our blogs and were encouraged to read and comment on the blogs of others, I wondered how I would have the time to wander in and out of the blogs on 23 things or other blogs I might choose to visit. It hardly seems worth it when I thought I will visit once and never make it back. I can see how the RSS can be a huge time saver. I look forward to using Bloglines to streamline and even expand my information gathering.

I have a follow up to Thing #2. I was reading through Ruth's blog at She referred to an article by Marshall Kirkpatrick listing objections to applying Library 2.0/Web 2.0. I personally used a few of those objections. It is an interesting read. See the following web address.

I haven't looked through the rest of the Things, but I hope one of them will walk me through how to do these links without writing out the web address.

1 comment:

VWB said...

in your post, highlight the word(s) you want to on the chain-looking object on the toolbar where you write your post and paste the address there...
the words become the link...

hope your group is having as much fun as ours is!

from a Texas 23Things Player who found you thru my google alert of 23 Things!