Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thing 10

I explored some of the wikis listed in 23 things on a stick. I especially enjoyed the MN 150 wiki. However, as with many of the other things we have explored, I find that there is so much to sort through that I end up feeling I am in information overload. I haven't figured out how to narrow down the topics and as a result end up spending far too much time wandering through the sites.

How have others focused their searches and improved their use of time?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing 9

The online collaberative tools could be very useful. I have occasionally lost track of which version I am using and what changes I made or others have made.

One challenge would be to make sure there is a backed up copy of the document in another location on a regular basis should the content by lost, blocked, or unavailable for whatever reason.

I did find that google doc was initially easier to use but zoho writer could be quickly learned also. However, I don't know if I would use the collaberative online tool for the following reason--I am uncomfortable with the heavy handed grab for power and ownership of individual intellectual property.

In the article, Life Without Desktop Tools, in PC World, RastaMon expressed concern that any document or content placed in google doc would become the property of google doc. I read the terms of use document and after reading paragraph 9.4, I thought the intellectual property ownership to which google doc laid claim, refered to programs they host on their site, not the content that individuals puts on the site. It seemed that content remained the individual's intellectual property. However, the language in Paragraph 11 is very different. I don't think I could agree to those terms just on principle.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thing 8

PictureTrail is fairly user friendly. It was nice to see the ease of transfering code into the blog with the click of a button.

Thing 8

Cool Slideshows