Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thing #1

Well, I just deleted an entire entry. So let's try this again.

When I recently read about "23 things on a stick" on, I was intrigued with the idea of using the online challenge to learn about webtools. But I didn't know if I was ready to start the project. I consider myself to be a busy person, two jobs, volunteer with several organizations, home and family duties. I didn't know if I wanted to take on additional obligations. If I start the 23 things, I want to not only finish it, I want to "finish well" and get a good understanding of the tools.

After a week of pondering, I have decided to give it a go. Where to start...?

Thing #1

Set up a Blog.

Oh, brother. I do not have a great respect for blogs. I have run across too many mudslinging, gutter dwelling bloggers who don't have respect for themselves or others on the blog. Other blogs are just random musing of ordinary people who are expressing opinions that are just that, opinions. I have other ways I choose to waste my time. Oh, does that sound harsh?

No matter, I am now adding to the random musings of ordinary people expressing opinions about personal matters. I don't expect my contributions will do much to increase the body of the world's knowledge. But Thing #1 is thing #1 and a blog is the goal. Ready or not here I come.

Creating the blog is really very easy with the template provided and specific instructions. I was running into a wall with exporting my avatar to the blog. What to do? When all else fails, read the rest of the instructions. They are very well written, thank you to the staff of 23thingsonastick.

The blog is rather empty so I decided it needed a picture that reflects the northern climate we enjoy, tolerate, and loathe on a rotating basis. So enjoy a stroll along the Red River and see what is around the next corner.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Join me as I travel through an exploration of web tools found at 23 things on a stick. You might get a good laugh at my"foibles" and faux pas. I look forward to learning the ins and outs and going where I have not gone before.